A Light Phenomenon
A Light Phenomenon. In 1998, this work of art was inaugurated in Storbäck in Västerbotten and was part of the project Art Way.
It is a public sculpture in nature on a scale that matches the scale of nature. It has advanced technology for that time. As for the control of the light points, it was necessary to design and build a system from scratch, including soft and hardware due to that it was not available then. The work is a balanced circle of light in the same surface plane with a diameter of 300 m and a circumference of 1 km. It occupies an area equivalent to 15 football pitches.
The light is controlled by a program that randomly selects different light sequences and via sensors related to car traffic 2 km from the light circle. That function was later disconnected, because the Swedish Transport Agency's rules did not allow it. I deliberately selected a clearing on a deforestation as the surface for the placement of the circle.
As the surface was planted, it was intended that it would eventually take over the surface and eventually incorporate the work into the forest.